Two PhD position are available in the Mathematical Physics group led by Prof. Dr. Gian Michele Graf. The two positions will be funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation to achieve the goals of the project "Out-of-equilibrium criticality of long-range interacting quantum systems" coordinated by our member Dr. Nicolò Defenu.
The 2 PhD students will work under the supervision Dr. Nicolò Defenu, who coordinates the project, and participate to all the activities of the mathematical physics group. The prospective candidates shall have a strong background in theoretical physics and a keen interest in the study of quantum dynamics and quantum many body theory topics. Interviews will be carried out in December/January, with positions starting in February/March. Modifications to this schedule can be requested case by case. The salary is regulated by the institute guidelines
For more information regarding the position and the topics of the perspective thesis please write to:
Candidates should send a CV and the name of at least one reference contact to Dr. Nicolò Defenu
Our member Nicolò Defenu (ETH Zurich, GM Graf's Group) is one of the coordinators of the upcoming program Out-of-equilibrium Dynamics and Quantum Information of Many-body Systems with Long-range Interactions at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics from October 16–December 22, 2023 The application deadline is Nov 13, 2022.