

UNIGE inaugurates new Scienscope premises

Geneva, Switzerland

img_news_1Mathscope, along with the seven other Scopes, inaugurated yesterday a new site dedicated to the discovery of scientific subjects. More »

Press Coverage for Scienscope inauguration

Geneva, Switzerland

img_news_1The recent Scienscope inaugurat on on 5th of October, had very positive media coverage More »

We will be at TecDay in Sion

Sion, Switzerland

img_news_1Our Outreach Officer Shaula Fiorelli will be one of the experts who will be participating as a speaker on 12th October in Sion at the Lycée-Collège des Creusets. More »

Join us live online to discuss « Énigmes mathématiques au temps de Charlemagne »

Geneva, Switzerland

img_news_1Next Monday 11th of October at 18:30 we invite you to take a break from your daily activities and to join the Café de L’Histoire (FR) live online. On this occasion it will be devoted to the latest publication by Philippe Genequand (Université de Montréal) and Jérôme Gavin (Collège Voltaire): « Énigmes mathématiques au temps de Charlemagne » (EPFL Press). More »

Pour la Science - Article & Interview

Geneva, Switzerland

img_news_1The October 2021 issue L'internet quantique of « Pour la Science » (FR), includes an article by our members Nicolas Gisin (UNIGE) & Nicolas Brunner (UNIGE) with Marc-Olivier Renou (ICFO) entitled La non-localité quantique à l’ère des réseaux, as well as an interview with Nicolas Gisin: L’internet quantique est pour le physicien un défi fascinant. More »

Le Scienscope, découvrir la science de manière ludique

Geneva, Switzerland

img_news_1The Lémanbleu article and video: Le Scienscope, découvrir la science de manière ludique (FR), covers yesterday’s inauguration of Scienscope's new premises and shows one of the Mathscope workshops presented on that day to a school class. A visiting teacher and young student also share as a short account of their experience. More »

Basic Notions

Geneva, Switzerland

img_news_1The following "Basic Notions" presentations aim at giving an overview, in 15 minutes, of important notions often encountered in different domains of mathematical physics. They were given at the occasion of the Young Researchers Symposium (YRS) preceding the International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP 2021) in Geneva. More »

Artem Kalmykov (UZH, A. Cattaneo’s Group) thesis defense and next steps

Zurich, Switzerland

img_news_1Artem Kalmykov (UZH, A. Cattaneo’s Group) successfully defended his PhD thesis end of August 2021. The title was "Geometric and categorical approaches to dynamical representation theory”. Artem is currently considering moving into the industry sector. More »

Our Director Stanislav Smirnov (UNIGE) speaking about ICM 2022

Geneva, Switzerland

img_news_1In this video (-2:00:25) our Director Stanislav Smirnov (UNIGE). who is part of the ICM 2022 (Saint Petesburg, July 6-14) Executive Organizing Committee, speaks about the Congress organization, content & support schemes. More »

How do quantum physics and general relativity relate to each other?

Zurich, Switzerland

img_news_1In this recent video, our member Renato Renner (ETH Zurich) explains "How quantum physics and general relativity relate to each other?" More »

DATA MINING CUP 2021: Students from the University of Geneva Take the Gold

Geneva, Switzerland

img_news_1We are glad to announce that Léo Nicollier who was a Mathscope teaching assistant and Juraj Rosinsky ex- Athena participant are amongst this year’s winners of the DATA MINING CUP (DMC). More »



Conference in honor of J.-P. Eckmann (UniGE)

07/06/2022 - 10/06/2022
Geneva - Switzerland

img_events_10The conference has been postponed to 2022, (previous dates: 22-25 June 2020 and 7-10 June 2021). This conference will bring together students and close collaborators of Jean-Pierre Eckmann on the occasion of his 50 years at the University of Geneva. More »



Tatiana Samrowksi

Senior Researcher

Location: UZH

Projects: Field Theory; Geometry, Topology and Physics

More »



Nezhla Aghaee

Senior Researcher

Workgroup: R. Kashaev

Projects: Field Theory; Geometry, Topology and Physics

More »


Claudia Rella

PhD Student

Workgroup: M. Mariño

Projects: String Theory; Geometry, Topology and Physics

More »


Online Events

img_events_6Our events are being held online

October 2021
More »

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar

Hosted by: University of Zurich

11/10/2021 - Speaker: Michael Bersudsky (Technion)
Title: Linnik's problem and statistics of orthogonal lattices of primitive integral vectors

18/10/2021 - Speaker: Alex Kontorovich (Rutgers University)
Title: tba

25/10/2021 - Speaker: Simon Machado (University of Cambridge)
Title: Approximate lattices in higher rank simple Lie groups

Global Poisson Webinar series

Hosted by: University of Geneva

14/10/2021 - Speaker: Dusa McDuff (Barnard College)
Title: TBA

21/10/2021 - Speaker: Kiumars Kaveh (Pittsburgh)
Title: TBA

28/10/2021 - Speaker: Si Li (Tsinghua)
Title: TBA

[K-OS] Knot Online Seminar

Hosted by: University of Geneva

14/10/2021 - Speaker: Renaud Detcherry (Université de Bourgogne)
Title: A quantum obstruction to purely cosmetic surgeries

21/10/2021 - Speaker: Dror Bar-Natan (University of Toronto)
Title: TBA

28/10/2021 - Speaker: Paolo Bellingeri (Université de Caen)
Title: TBA

QFT, Strings and Beyond

Hosted by: ETH Zurich

19/10/2021 - Speaker: Grant Remmen (UCSB)
Title: TBA

26/10/2021 - Speaker: Albrecht Klemm (Universität Bonn)
Title: TBA

27/10/2021 - Speaker: Albrecht Klemm (Universität Bonn)
Title: TBA

Talks in mathematical physics

Hosted by: ETH Zurich

21/10/2021 - Speaker: Silvain Lacroix (ETH Institute for Theoretical Studies)
Title: Finite and affine Gaudin models and their realisations




Hyperbolic Fourier series

Andrew Bakan, Haakan Hedenmalm, Alfonso Montes-Rodriguez, Danylo Radchenko, Maryna Viazovska

arXiv:2110.00148 More »


Gromov--Witten Theory of Complete Intersections

Hülya Argüz, Pierrick Bousseau, Rahul Pandharipande, Dimitri Zvonkine

arXiv:2109.13323 More »


Towards Bootstrapping RG flows: Sine-Gordon in AdS

António Antunes, Miguel S. Costa, João Penedones, Aaditya Salgarkar, Balt C. van Rees

arXiv:2109.13261 More »


On the light-ray algebra in conformal field theories

Gregory P. Korchemsky, Alexander Zhiboedov

arXiv:2109.13269 More »


BV equivalence with boundary

Francisco Manuel Castela Simão, Alberto S. Cattaneo, Michele Schiavina

arXiv:2109.05268 More »